Granola Subscriptions

By popular demand, we're launching subscriptions! Just sign up once and let us do the rest.
Choose from 1 or 3 subscription plans and have our freshly baked granola delivered to your home or office without lifting a finger! 

Our subscription lets you discover our many granola flavours. Chef Chris will select flavours based on our best sellers. But just so it isn't a complete surprise each time - please indicate on the product page if you prefer chocolate flavours, fruity flavours or have no preference - in which case we will switch it up every time. 

If you have favourite flavours, drop us a line at to let us know and we'll be sure to choose that for you if we are baking it during your subscription period. 

Dearborn Granola Subscription is currently only available with delivery and you have the flexibility to choose if you would like granola every week or every other week. Dearborn is also offering a discounted delivery rate for our subscribers at $8/trip.

There is no binding period for our subscriptions and you may pause/skip/cancel at any time. However, we do only have 50 slots available at any one time.

Find out more about the individual plans on the Subscription Plan page.
Click here for Subscription FAQs